Nick Jonas Calls Fake Jonas Brothers "One of the Funniest Things Ever"

The Jonas Brothers were back in Dallas, TX for a second sold out concert in as many weeks. They were kind enough to revisit the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning radio show and while there, gave an incredible shout out to the Fake Jonas Brothers!

Listen to the Shout Out

Download the Shout Out in MP3 (right click, save as)


Candis Vlasek said...

this is amazing!!


KJA said...

that's so awesome of the jobros!

YOU GUYS ARE THE FUNNIEST PEOPLE! your music vid PONES! and you're all so funny! you need to make another appearance! you better be at the concert tonight! :]]

Allegra said...

thats awesome!! you guys are so funny
you need to like travel with them! lol
that would be sweet
you should come to their show in tampa this saturday

oh and the music video you made was awesome!!!
me and my sister laughed the whole time!!

Anonymous said...

the jobros are right you guys are hilarious